Line 21400: Child care expenses

Child care expenses include payments to daycares, nursery schools, camps, and/or individuals who care for your child so you can work, run a business, or attend school.


In most cases, the lower-earning spouse must claim child care expenses.


The full amount of your child care expenses may not show on line 21400 because CRA limits the expense based on:
  1. The net income of the parent claiming the expense,
  2. The age of the child, and
  3. Whether or not the child is disabled.


TurboTax automatically applies these limits and assigns child care expenses to the lower-earning spouse.


To review and confirm your child care expense deduction on line 21400:
  1. Select X in the upper-right corner to close the Help window.
  2. In the upper-right corner of your screen, select Find.
  3. In the Find window, type Child Care.
  4. Select Child Care Expenses from the list, and select Go.