Line 30800 and 44800: CPP or QPP contributions through employment and CPP overpayment

The amount on line 30800 is contributions you made to CPP or QPP. The contributions were deducted from your pay cheque at the source and are reported in box 16 and 17 of your T4 slips.


An amount on line 44800 is the amount of CPP or QPP you overpayed, if applicable.


TurboTax automatically prorates your overpayment amount if any of the following situations apply:


Note: If you started or ceased collecting CPP benefits during the tax year, be sure to enter the number of months in box 21 when you enter your T4A(P) - Statement of CPP Benefits


To review and confirm your source amounts:
  1. Select X in the upper-right corner to close the Help window.
  2. In the upper-right corner of your screen, select Find.
  3. In the Find window, type T-Slips.
  4. Select T-Slips from the list, and select Go.