T3 - Statement of Trust Income Allocations and Designations

Entering this Amount

Entering T3 slip information

The T3 slip - Statement of Trust Income Allocations and Designations, is used to identify beneficiaries, and to report amounts such as income and credits that the trust designates to them.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is reported on T-3 slips?

T3 - Statement of Trust Income - definition

T3 slips show income from a trust. Trusts that generate income include personal, spousal, joint partner, alter ego, offshore, unit, communal organization, employee benefit plan, salary deferral, and specified personal trusts.

What is the "Other boxes" button for?

What is the Other boxes button for?

The Other boxes button opens a secondary window where you can enter the amounts from less-used boxes.

How do I enter box 25, 30, or 48?

How do I enter box 25, 30, or 48?

If you are reporting amounts from boxes 25, 30, or 48, click the "Other Boxes" button. In the screen that appears, enter the amounts in the spaces provided.

If you are reporting amounts from boxes 25, 30, or 48, click the blue area next to the box. In the window that appears, enter the amounts in the spaces provided.

What is the Source Country box for?

What is the Source Country box for?

Use the Source Country box to enter the name of the country outside of Canada that you earned income from.

What if the T3 slip is for a joint investment?

What if the T3 slip is for a joint investment?

If the investment reported on your T3 is a joint investment with your spouse or common-law partner, enter your percentage of the investment in the first box. For each box that applies to you, enter the full amount from your T3 slip; only your portion is transfered to your forms. If you are preparing a coupled return, your spouse's portion is transferred to his or her return.

Note: Although this amount does not appear in your spouse's T3 entry window, do not reenter it there. It has been included on his or her Schedule 3 - Capital Gains or Losses, or INVEST worksheet.
What if the amounts are not in Canadian dollars?

What if amounts are not in Canadian dollars?

If there are any amounts, for example on a T-slip or a stock sale, that are reported in a foreign currency (e.g. in U.S. dollars), you must convert them to Canadian dollars before you enter them.

Enter income that is not on a T-slip, including US social security, in the Foreign T-Slips and Receipts entry screen. Do not convert these amounts to Canadian dollars. TurboTax converts the amounts automatically based on the exchange rate you enter.

Where do I get the exchange rate?

Where do I get the exchange rate?

If you received the amount on a certain day and you know the exchange rate for that day, use it. For example, if you received a capital gain, use the rate at the time the gain was realized.

However, if you received the amount over time, use the average exchange rate over the period (daily, monthly, or annually) in which the income was earned. To find the average exchange rate, To find the average exchange rate, see the Bank of Canada's Exchange Rates web page..