Entering T-slips and receipts

You enter most of your tax information in T-Slips and Receipts entry screens.

Enter amounts from your paper slips into the equivalent boxes in the T-slip entry screens.
Note: Québec residents: If you have relevé slips, complete them after the associated T-slips. For example, after you enter your T4 slip, you'll be prompted to enter your Relevé 1 slip.

These screens are available at various points in the Interview, as required.

  1. From the View menu, choose Tax Info Slips (T-slips).
    Tip: Shortcuts - click the T-Slips tab at the bottom of the TurboTax window.
  2. On the left of the entry screen, click the type of slip you want to enter: Federal Slips, Receipts, or Québec Slips.

    Each group contains a list of slips that fall under that category. Click on a particular slip or receipt to enter that information.

    For example, under Federal, click T4 to enter information from your T4 slips.

  3. Enter the information from your paper slip into the corresponding boxes on the screen.

    Each column is one slip (or receipt). To add another slip, use a new column.

    Use the left and right arrow buttons to scroll through the columns of slips.

  4. To enter another slip for the same taxpayer, click in the empty column to the right of the one you just entered.
  5. To enter a different T-slip, click that slip in the list of slips on the left of the entry window.
  6. To enter a slip for your spouse, click his or her name at the top of the window. This option is only available if you're preparing a coupled return.
  7. When you're done, click Save & Close. The amounts you've entered are transferred onto your tax return.
  8. Answer the questions on the Personal Tax Profile screens, selecting each checkbox for which you have an information slip or receipt.
    Important: What you select here determines which entry screens you get later.
  9. On the first T-slip screen enter your T-slip information in the boxes provided.
  10. Québec residents: If you have relevé slips, complete them after the associated T-slips.

    Many relevé slips have an associated T-slip (for example, T-4 and Relevé1, T-5 and Relevé3). When you complete the federal T-slip, TurboTax automatically completes much of the relevé slip for you. Do not enter this information a second time.

  11. If you have another slip of the same kind, click Enter New <T-slip>.
  12. When you have finished, click Done with <T-slip>.

Information is transferred from the T-slips and receipts entry screen to the appropriate forms and lines of your return.

  • A yellow pencil appears beside the slips or receipt that you currently have open.
  • A red checkmark appears beside the slips and receipts in which you've entered any information.
  • If you're preparing a coupled return with your spouse or common-law partner, check the top-left of the entry screen to see whose return you're in. Click to switch back and forth and enter both spouses' slips all at once.

The receipts entry screens appear at different points in the interview as needed. For example, the RRSP receipt entry screen appears in the RRSP section of the interview.