Spouse or common-law partner's net income

Your spouse or common-law partner's net income is the amount on line 23600 of their return, or the amount that it would be if they filed a return. Even if you are not claiming a spouse or common-law partner amount, the CRA requires you to provide this information.

TurboTax uses this amount to calculate federal and provincial tax credits, including the spouse or common-law partner amount, CCB, GST/HST credit, pension amounts, etc. It is also used to determine which spouse is eligible to claim child care expenses.

If you are preparing a coupled return, this amount is transferred automatically to your return when you enter your spouse or common-law partner's T-slip information.

Important: If your spouse has income and you do not enter it, TurboTax won't be able to calculate your credits correctly, and could show you as having less tax payable than is actually the case. When your spouse files his or her return, CRA will correct your return, and you will owe the difference (plus interest) to CRA.
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